
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sweet pea - Summer Dreaming

Here is an incredible photo montage sent into post by the lovely Miss Sweet pea. I love her sunrise photos in her pretty hot pink bikini and matching hula-hoop; the are very artistically done. Her confidence and playful attitude comes shining through.


  1. great photos and bravely done sweet pea

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Sweet Pea . . my lovely Hula Hoop Gurl! . . . so much sexy charm and allure summed up in a smile and a Hula Hoop! . . . and she wears a Hula hoop well! :) (michael g.b.)

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    i do wish Sweet Pea would post an e-mail addy where one could write to her and drop her a note from time to time . . .(michael g.b.)
